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This survey will help the RSZ TNC understand what kind of services will be needed for any new projects requesting support.
It takes about 5-10 minutes to answer these questions.
For service inquiries from the Human Neuron Core (HNC), please contact directly (do not fill out this survey), and allow up to two weeks for a response.
Name of person requesting RSZ TNC services (Last name, First name)
Name of person submitting this form if different from above (Last name, First name)
Anticipated project start date
Email address of person requesting RSZ TNC services
Phone number of person requesting RSZ TNC services
Developmental Medicine
Genetics & Genomics
Emergency Medicine
Newborn Medicine
If you chose, "other" department/division, please specify
BCH Principal Investigator name if different from requester (Last name, First name)
Are you (or your Principal Investigator) an IDDRC investigator?
Besides the BCH PI, are there any other BCH collaborators you've been in contact with about this project?
Is this project a Clinical Trial?
Disorder(s) being studied
Please include a project summary describing the hypothesis, aims, background/rationale in support of study, brief description of the primary methods, and intended use of data/samples
Is this the PI's first clinical trial or research project?
Will this project be filing an IND/IDE with the FDA?
Project is exempt
Type of RSZ TNC services requested (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs Service (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
Human Neurobehavioral Core Service (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
Biomarkers Unit (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
Human Neuron Core (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
If requested Sample Collection from the Human Neuron Core, please provide more detail be choosing from the options here:
If requested Differentiation from the Human Neuron Core, what is the source of iPSCs for differentiation?
Following up from the previous question on differentiation, how many lines are available?
If requested Phenotyping from the Human Neuron Core, is there a known phenotype in human iPSC-derived neurons? Rodent neurons? If so, what is it?
If requested Assay Development and Drug Screening from the Human Neuron Core, is there a known phenotype in human iPSC-derived neurons? Rodent neurons? If so, what is it?
Please describe the clinical synopsis of the proposed patient group
Translational Genomic Medicine (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
Medicinal Chemistry Core (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify
What type of project is this?
Clinical drug trial
Clinical device trial
Biomarker study
Behavioral intervention
Outcome study
Natural history studies
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify the project type
Funding Source (Check all that apply)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please specify the project type
Additional information (Please specify)
Please provide any relevant materials including protocol, consent form, sponsor information, funding, etc.
Please send to
This form will be reviewed by the Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center Executive Team and you will be re-contacted within one month of submission.
(Admin only) Reviewed by:
RSZ TNC Executive Team Abigail Sveden Alexander Cohen April Levin Christine Barthelemy Frederick Burki Jed Hubbs Kira Dies Lindsay Swanson Lisa Prock Liz Buttermore Maya Chopra Mustafa Sahin Stephanie Brewster Suzanne Lemoine Other (Please Specify in Comments)
(Admin only)
Is this an RSZ TNC approved service request (Y/N)?
Is Administrative Review needed to approve this request?
Administrative Review is needed to approve this request
If approved, no further action is needed in REDCap. If rejected, please explain in the Additional Comments below. Administrative Review can be activated here for complex or multi-core requests, and may be completed by a core's delegate or the RSZ TNC Executive Team.
(Admin only) Who will complete this Administrative Review?
Admin Review by Core
Admin Review by RSZ TNC Executive Team
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